Ugly Rumors: 4 Myths About Cosmetic Dentistry You Shouldn’t Believe

September 11, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — platinumdental @ 5:30 am
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As much as you want a nicer smile, you may hesitate to try cosmetic dentistry. All sorts of unpleasant ideas and rumors can swirl around this field and its treatments. However, the reality is that the “bad stuff” you hear about cosmetic dental work isn’t true. Your dental practice can even prove it with a slew of proper evidence! So, read on to learn four myths about cosmetic dentistry and why they don’t hold up.

“Cosmetic Dentistry is Always Invasive”

A lot of people think cosmetic dentistry is invasive. Still, the truth is quite the opposite: cosmetic dental work is fairly simple and pain-free!

You see, cosmetic dental treatments often involve a light touch. Most don’t require instruments that delve into your various mouth tissues. For instance, teeth whitening and dental bonding just apply gel or resin (respectively); you don’t need to be numbed for them. Other options like dental crowns and veneers can scrape away some enamel, but they give you anesthesia so you don’t feel anything.

“Cosmetic Dentistry is Expensive”

While cosmetic dentistry can sound pricey, it doesn’t have to be. Its services will easily fit your budget with the right approach.

Several factors can make cosmetic dental work affordable. One is a good dental plan, which could cover an aesthetic procedure if it also has restorative effects. Another element is modern technology; it often cuts down your treatment cost. Lastly, patients can often rely on flexible financing that lets them pay in small installments.

“Cosmetic Dentistry Weakens Your Smile”

Whatever you may have heard, cosmetic dentistry doesn’t force you to sacrifice your oral health. It’ll give you a gorgeous grin that’s just as strong as ever!

Remember, all dentists – cosmetic or not – value your smile’s health. They won’t do anything that could put your teeth, gums, or other mouth tissues at risk. Given this fact, they’ll tell you which procedures are (or aren’t) a good fit for you. They’ll also fix prior oral issues that could interfere with your cosmetic treatment results.

“Cosmetic Dentistry Can’t Fix Gummy Smiles”

A gummy smile may seem like an unfixable issue, but cosmetic dentistry really could address it. The field has an excellent treatment for just this problem.

To be specific, a patient could opt to get gum recontouring. This service uses a soft tissue laser to remove bits of your mouth’s excess gum tissue. By doing so, it helps you show a proportionate amount of your teeth and makes your smile look good and balanced.

Myths about cosmetic dentistry crop up sometimes, so get the right details. Talk to your dental provider to sort what’s true from what’s false!

About the Practice

Platinum Dental Group is based in San Juan Capistrano, CA. Led by the amazing Dr. Ben Omrani, our practice always aims to give your smile what it needs. That’s why we offer preventive, cosmetic, and restorative treatments, as well as emergency dental care! Our team is even a certified provider of Invisalign clear aligners, so we’re well-prepared to help your grin thrive. For more details or to book a visit, please reach us on our website or by phone at (949)-661-2052.

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